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Astronism and abortion

Astronist attitudes to abortion

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Meta-Astronism Studies Journal

Last updated: JAN. 3, 2020

Astronism is considered, particularly in contrast to other beliefs systems, a generally liberal religion or philosophy when it comes to the discussion of various social issues like homosexuality, euthanasia, and alcohol, however, the stance upheld by the Astronist Institution on abortion does not follow this pattern of social progressivism.

The Vendox is the most well-known symbol representing Astronism.

Astronism is considered, particularly in contrast to other beliefs systems, a generally liberal religion or philosophy when it comes to the discussion of various social issues like homosexuality, euthanasia, and alcohol, however, the stance upheld by the Astronist Institution on abortion does not follow this pattern of social progressivism.

The topic of abortion in the context of Astronism is one that has seen significant discussions since the publication of the Omnidoxy, after which ensued debates regarding the correctitude of the Astronist Institution and its affirmed opposition to abortion. 

It is important to not that Astronism is a philosophy or religion that is based on the notion of amoralism; this means that although it does advocate a loose morality system, that morality system is not integral to the religion's system of eschatology. This stands in contrast to the other world religions, the majority of which have a system of moral code that is integrated into beliefs about the afterlife and the reward of good deeds. For this reason, the context in which an Astronist commits abortion does not hold any moralistic or eschatological consequences for that person due to the lack of the concept of sin in Astronism.

The Astronist Institution maintains that life begins at the moment of conception. This is not a conclusion made on the grounds of a divinely decreed morality, but is instead based in natural processes. The Astronist Institution refer considers abortion to be equal to the conduct of murder. 

The Astronist Institution accepts a number of different arguments standing against abortion, one of which is the potentiality of life argument. The potentiality of life argument was written of by Cometan in the Omnidoxy and essentially states that abortion is a key interceptor for a new born child to contribute to humanity, which is a point important to the belief of transcensionism and it is from the school of transcensionism that this argument gains the greater support.

Astronist philosophy and abortion

On the issue of abortion, Astronist philosophy classifies arguments according two criterions which are circumstantial (or temporary) arguments and permanent arguments. Circumstantial arguments are arguments based on changeable, remediable, supportable, or time-healing situations often with a variety of potential consequences. Oppositely, permanent arguments are arguments involving unchangeable and irreversible consequences.

It is stated that the pro-abortion movement is largely made up of these circumstantial arguments, examples of which include poverty, drug-abuse, and mental health.

On the topic of abortion on the grounds of rape, this is accepted as a sufficient argument for the ethical conduct of an abortion because the act of rape is irreversible, the emotional trauma and consequences of that action.

From the Astronist perspective, the only grounds on which an abortion is considered to be ethical is in the instance of the fatality of the mother if the pregnancy is continued when concluded by more than one doctor. The argument that women have a moral right to decide what to do with their bodies is not accepted as a valid argument for abortion in Astronism as it is stated that women, upon the moment of conception, are not only responsible for their own body, but are also responsible that of another human being; their child.

Neither accepted as valid is the argument that individual women are able to achieve their full potential if abortion is allowed. This is not only considered to be circumstantial but is even more so considered irresponsible.

The notion that gender equality is achieved with the right to abortion is neither considered to be a valid argument for abortion. This is because gender equality is believed to represent a wider collection of issues that are not dependent upon abortion rights, hence to suggest gender equality is achieved through pro-choice laws is narrowing the definition of gender equality.

Another pro-choice argument is that banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists. This is accepted as a valid argument against abortion, but is not seen as a valid argument in favour of pro-choice. As a result, the Astronist viewpoint states that measures must be put in place to support a woman who has been refused an abortion so that she understands that whatever her current predicament, it is circumstantial and it is poised to change and that healthcare professionals will be on-hand to guide that change.

Abortion mentality in relation to environmental degradation

Cometan has compared the throwaway mentality associated with abortion to the environmental issues facing The Earth and he has stated that the same underlying mentality is the cause for both of these issues and other issues of moral question.

Cometan asserted that this mentality is associated with a lack of care and understanding for our consequences. Cometan states that he supports the notion that "we should accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions."

Keywords and linked resources

See also

  • Meta-Astronism

  • Comparology

  • Sanitology

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This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Meta-Astronism Studies Journal which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

To learn more about the Meta-Astronism Studies Journal, click here.

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